Performing EEG

IGA PIETRZAK-BRYŁKA laboratory is run by an expert with 40 years of experience.


EEG is a noninvasive diagnostic method of bioelectrical activity of the brain. Our tests are performed by the most modern equipment of Elmiko Medical provide simultaneous recording of brain activity and heart rate. This allows for the initial elimination of cardiac dysfunction, which can be a cause of panic attacks or disturbance of consciousness.
The EEG record is interpreted by licensed neurologists with years of experience. The description is provided also in English.

Patients from abroad are tested at the hotel in Warsaw (or in a flat with a family or friends). In case of need we can provide a list of hotels with which we have had an experience.
For details concerning the performance of the test and preparation see: "The EEG test and preparation stages"

Reception +48 603 123 577
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